PacBio April-May specials 2022

Below is a listing of specials on some of our most popular applications. However, we are offering discounts across the entire range of PacBio sequencing applications so, do get in touch for an offer on your specific project. Remember to mention ‘PACBIOHIFI‘ in your email to qualify.

Remember to mention ‘PACBIOHIFI‘ in your email to qualify for the special. Quote requests may be directed to or your local inqaba biotec representative.

Want to know more about PacBio HiFi reads and its advantages ?

Terms & Conditions :
Special ends on May 31st 2022. All stated prices are excluding VAT. Stated prices are guidelines and may not necessarily be exactly the same from project to project and region to region.
Stated prices assume customer will send extracted genomic DNA. In cases other than amplicon sequencing, High Molecular Weight gDNA is required. Stated costs do not include analysis. (a) Customers are required to send extracted gDNA. Extraction will be charged separately. (b) Customers are required to send extracted gDNA. Extraction will be charged separately. (c) Customers are required to send extracted gDNA. Prices may vary based on genome sizes and coverage required. (d) Customers are required to send extracted gDNA. Extraction will be charged separately. Price is based on a single, full SMRT cell. Depending on the expected genome size, more SMRT cells may be required. (e) Customers are required to send extracted RNA. If samples fail pre-sequencing QC, the cost of the samples which fail pre-sequencing QC shall be the responsibility of the customer.

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