The Legend of Inqaba: As the great Winston Mackay once said, “Everyone can steer a ship, but only he with a clear vision can be a captain”. It was said that once upon a time in the year of Horse, a colt was born named Inqaba, born to be the one to battle an unknown monster said to be lurking in the shadows. The monster would prove to be one of the deadliest enemy to ever attack humanity, with just a touch, no one would be spared.
Young Inqaba had to prepare in early stages for the battle to come, the earliest training involving primer synthesis, sequencing, sales of product for diagnostics and research laboratories. The equipment for training was supplied by the crafty masters Seegene, Zymo Research, New England Biolabs and Eppendorf.
One day suddenly the Monster Sars-Cov-2 became visible and started attacking a Bourg where Inqaba in late teens was living and training, the time was now to call him Captain. Master Seegene in an extremely short time had special equipment to help Captain Inqaba not to only distribute but assist everyone in the battle in sub-Saharan Africa, by providing tools to assist in isolation, amplification, detection and analysis amongst others in order for everyone to be spared from the touch of death. While other masters where developing shields to make the people insusceptible, the battle continued with Captain Inqaba in central supply to fight off the monster so that one day everyone would put the battle behind and return to normal and this would be greatest tale for many generations to come.